Monday, 25 November 2013


Human brain

Our brain is divided into two parts, left brain and right brain. These two parts of brain are sub-divided by a wall of fibers called as corpus callosum. There are innumerable brain cells called neurons in our brain. We have a very complex nexus of neuron networks.
Diagram of brain cells (Neurons)

A Neuron has a center called nucleus and branches called dendrites. In other words, we can say that our brain has a huge network of connected neurons. The total connections among neurons are more than the total number of atoms in the whole universe. The human brain has around 10 billion to 100 billion neurons.

About left and right brain
Left brain
  • It uses logic.
  • It controls words and languages.
  • It has propensity towards knowledge.
  • It is reality based.
  • This brain acts as a manager, thinker and accountant.

Right brain
  • It is motivated by feelings.
  • It controls symbols and images.
  • It has propensity towards belief.
  • It is based upon fantasy and imagination.
  • It deals with images, colors, music and dreams.

These two brains set communication through the wall of corpus callosum. The left brain controls the right part of the body and right brain controls the left part of the body.

Our modern education system deals with the left brain only and this reduces the performance and power of our right brain. So, there should be good co-ordination between these parts.

Brain waves and Brain states
When we drop a small stone in the water, we see a number of waves emerging on the surface of water. Similarly, our heart and brain have wave patterns. The wave patterns of heart is measured by ECG (Electro Cardio graph) and the brain waves are measured by EEG (Electro encephalograph).

Four Types of Brain waves

  1. Alpha waves :-
These waves indicate the state of relaxation and alertness. This state is considered ideal for inspiring oneself, learning facts fast. Its frequency ranges from 8 Hz to 14 Hz.

  1. Beta waves :-
It indicates that our conscious mind is in the state of control. It also shows that you are alert, awake, talking, doing work and solving problems. Its frequency ranges from 14 Hz to 30 Hz.

  1. Theta waves :-
Theta waves have a frequency of 4 Hz to 8 Hz and deals with the deep relaxation of the mind.

  1. Delta waves :-
Delta waves are associated with deep sleep. Their frequency ranges from 0.5 Hz to 4 Hz. Delta waves are known for triggering the release of growth hormone, which provides healing.
For more details read this memory power course visit

Saturday, 16 November 2013





 For more details visit

Monday, 11 November 2013


"" मंत्र की महिमा

अक्षरों में सबसे बड़ा अक्षर "ओउम" () कहा गया है। अक्षर का अर्थ है - जिसका कभी क्षरण अथवा विनाश न हो । माना जाता है कि सम्पूर्ण ब्रह्माण्ड से सदा ''की ध्वनी निसृत होती रहती है। सम्पूर्ण ब्रह्माण्ड एक 'शून्य' की तरह हैं जिसमें बहुत सारी शक्तियाँ विद्यमान हैं । ये शक्तियाँ किसी न किसी रुप में हमारे शरीर को तथा हमारे मन को प्रभावित करती हैं । शास्त्रों से विदित है " यत ब्रह्माण्डे तत पिण्डे " अर्थात जो कुछ भी ब्रह्माण्ड में है, वह हमारे शरीर में स्थित है । 'ॐ' शब्द का उच्चारण करने से एक नई उर्जा तथा नई स्फुर्ति प्राप्त होती है । 'ॐ' अपने आपमें बहुत बड़ी शक्ति हैं । दुसरी शक्ति पहले से ब्रह्माण्ड में उपस्थित हैं' तथा एक शक्ति आपके अंदर विद्यमान हैं, जब ये तीनों शक्तियाँ आपस में टकराती हैं, तो मनुष्य के अंदर सुप्त शक्तियों को जागृत करने हेतु नई उर्जा प्राप्त होती है ।

वैदिक वाङमय के सदृश धर्मशास्त्र, पुराण तथा आगम साहित्य में भी ओंकार की महिमा सर्वत्र पाई जाती है। इसी प्रकार बौद्ध तथा जैन संप्रदाय में भी सर्वत्र ओंकार के प्रति श्रद्धा की अभिव्यक्ति देखी जाती है । सृष्टि के आदि में सर्वप्रथम ओंकाररूपी प्रणव का ही स्फुरण होता है। तदनंतर सात करोड़ मंत्रों का आविर्भाव होता है। सनातन धर्म के समस्त श्लोक और मंत्र इसी ओम " से आरम्भ होते हैं । मंत्र के रूप में मात्र "" भी पर्याप्त है।

ॐ शब्द तीन ध्वनियों से बना हुआ है- , , म । इन तीनों ध्वनियों का अर्थ उपनिषद में भी आता है। ओम - ब्रह्मा की सृजनात्मक, विष्णु की रचनात्मक, महेश कि ध्वंसात्मक शक्ति और भू: लोक, भूव: लोक और स्वर्ग लोग का प्रतीक है। सृष्टि संचालन के तीन तत्व - ताप , ध्वनि और प्रकाश का प्राकट्य भी ॐ से माना गया है । ॐ के अक्षर -- मनुष्य की जागृत स्थिति, - स्वप्न स्थिति और म्- सुप्त स्थिति के प्रतीक है । ओम जीवन का महामंत्र माना जाता है ।

तंत्र शास्त्र के अनुसार, मनुष्य या योगी की ऊर्ध्व गति यात्रा में विभिन्न कारणों का परित्याग करने से धीरे - धीरे, उसकी पूर्णतत्व में स्थिति हो जाती है। "" ब्रह्मा का वाचक है और इसके उच्चारण द्वारा हृदय में उसका त्याग होता है। "" विष्णु का वाचक हैं, इसके उच्चारण द्वारा उसका त्याग कंठ में होता है तथा "" रुद्र का वाचक है ओर उसका त्याग तालुमध्य में होता है। इसी प्रणाली से ब्रह्मग्रंथि, विष्णुग्रंथि तथा रुद्रग्रंथि का छेदन हो जाता है। तदनंतर ॐ में प्रयुक्त चन्द्र बिंदु है, जो स्वयं ईश्वर रूप है । उच्चारण द्वारा उत्त्पन्न नाद- सदाशिवरूपी है, उसका त्याग ललाट से मूर्धा तक के स्थान में होता है। इसके आगे शक्ति का व्यापिनी तथा समना भूमियों में सूक्ष्म अनुभव होने लगता है। इस भूमि के वाच्य शिव हैं, जो सदाशिव से ऊपर तथा परमशिव से नीचे रहते हैं। मूर्धा के ऊपर स्पर्शनुभूति के अनंतर शक्ति का भी त्याग हो जाता है एवं उसके ऊपर व्यापिनी का भी त्याग हो जाता है। उस समय केवल मनन मात्र रूप का अनुभव होता है तथा त्याग हो ता है। इसके उपरांत कुछ समय तक मन के अतीत विशुद्ध आत्मस्वरूप की झलक दीख पड़ती है। इसके अनंतर ही परमानुग्रहप्राप्त योगी का उन्मना शक्ति में प्रवेश होता है। इसी को परमपद या परमशिव की प्राप्ति समझना चाहिए और इसी को एक प्रकार से उन्मना का त्याग भी माना जा सकता है। इस प्रकार ब्रह्मा से शिवपर्यन्त छह कारणों का परित्याग हो जाने पर अखंड परिपूर्ण सत्ता में स्थिति हो जाती है।

उच्चारण की विधि

प्रातः उठकर पवित्र होकर, श्वास को सामान्य रखते हुए, आराम की स्थिति में बैठकर, तर्जनी उंगली और अंगूठा मिलाकर ज्ञान मुद्रा बना लें । इसके बाद पेट से " " हृदय से " " नाक से " " नाद और बिंदु की ध्वनि सहित - ओंकार ध्वनि का उच्चारण करें। यह उच्चारण उच्च स्वर में या मंद स्वर में, परन्तु ,बहुत लम्बा होना चाहिए । ॐ का उच्चारण पद्मासन, अर्धपद्मासन, सुखासन, वज्रासन में भी बैठकर कर सकते हैं। इसका उच्चारण 5, 7, 10, 21 बार या जप माला से भी कर सकते हैं।

" " की महत्ता एवं उच्चारण से लाभ

इस मंत्र के जाप से सभी मनोरथों की सिद्धि होती है एवं यह भोग और मोक्ष दोनों को प्रदान करने वाला वाला है । इस मंत्र के उच्चारण से जीभ, होंठ, तालू, दाँत, कंठ और फेफड़ों से निकलने वाली वायु तथा स्पंदन के सम्मिलित प्रभाव से निकलने वाली ध्वनि, शरीर के सभी चक्रों और हारमोन स्राव करने वाली ग्रंथियों से टकराती है जिससे समस्त प्रकार कि व्याधियों और रोगाणुओं का शमन होता है । इस मंत्र का जाप करने वाले के पास बाधाएं भी नहीं आती तथा व्यक्ति में आत्मविश्वास की वृद्धि और सकारात्मक ऊर्जा का विकास होता है । इसके उच्चारण से शरीर और मन को एकाग्र करने में मदद मिलती है , मानसिक बीमारियाँ दूर होती हैं, दिल की धड़कन और रक्तसंचार व्यवस्थित होता है । इसका उच्चारण करने वाला और इसे सुनने वाला दोनों ही लाभांवित होते हैं।

Friday, 8 November 2013


Research has revealed that there are powerful suggestive elements to memory recall. The importance of suggestion in memory is exemplified in hypnosis when the suggestion -- you will NOT remember is implanted and that is indeed what happens.

The subconscious mind believes this suggestion under hypnosis and does not allow the conscious mind to remember out of hypnosis.
You have the choice of positively or negatively 'programming' yourself into
learning or not learning your material. One hypnotized group was given positive suggestions that they would remember a given set of information, and a control group was not hypnotized and not told anything about positively or negatively learning a given set of information. Afterwards, the hypnotized group scored higher than the learning level exhibited by the control group.
In another experiment, positive suggestions to learn better were given to one group prior to using 'sleep-learning' cassettes (but unknown to them, their speakers were unplugged and no actual sleep-learning input was available). A control group was given no suggestions at all prior to the same unplugged, sleep-learning input.

The mere suggestion that the one group would learn better again significantly improved recall. In another example, there were 2 groups where one was exposed to an optimistic, positive teacher who expected good results, and the other group was exposed to a teacher with a negative attitude. 
Naturally, the group exposed to a positively expectant teacher improved their learning recall more than the negatively programmed
group. As an exercise before learning a given set of material, eliminate negative state- ments from your conversation like, "I hate (this subject or that)," or "I always forget (such and such)," or "I never can remember (those things)." 
You certainly can not expect to learn something better, if you tell yourself you can't learn it. Replace this negativity with positive programming by affirming to yourself at least 3 times, statements like, "I am learning (this material) better today," or "My memory is improving in (this area or that)," or "I always remember (these things)." By doing this one thing alone, your recall will be improved by a significant percent and the positive belief system in yourself will be more firmly established.

Thursday, 7 November 2013


Yogic pran kriya is such a wonderful breathing technique that focuses on physical, mental, emotional and social integrity of ones personality. Memory bears a close relation with this yogic pran kriya. Today in this highly competitive world, where we are constantly living under one or other stress. We badly require to distress our stress, to release all the tensions, conflicts. And this is the best and powerful method according to Mr. Virender Mehta, to bring our inner world and outer expression of life together in one whole.
Stress has stressed almost every individual living on this planet. As nature has its own patterns of existence, it constitutes a vicious circle of timings, seasons, in the same manner; our body has vicious biological patterns. If there is harmony among these intricate patterns, then we will be happy from inside. But if stress creates imbalance in these designs, then we become unhappy and discontentment takes us in its clutches.
Now, what does Yogic pran kriya stands for? It is a purifying practice of breathing that energizes each of our cell, ensures free flow of oxygen to every part of our body. We become charged with love, enthusiasm for life and begin to feel a fresh vibration in our life. Our every moment gets filled with a sense of joy and happiness. thus, we start perceiving our relation in a positive manner.
Yogic pran kriya is a rhythmic breathing pattern
This unique, continuously flowing breathing process creates a sync hronization between the body, emotions and thus, our physical and mental fraternity starts dancing in joy with Nature itself. we become one with Nature. Our mental and behavioral patterns undergo a significant change and this we do by changing our breathing pattern. we get an outlet to remove our negative emotions such as anger, hatred, jealousy, tension etc. today, the medical fraternity are greatly surprised by the benefits of Yogic pran kriya. They have concluded that regular practice of  Yogic pran kriya invokes positive emotions,replacing negatve ones and curing ailments and cholesterol etc.all your negative psychic karmas get burnt with this process.
this yogic breathing program finds its roots in the preaching of our ancient sages and virender Mehta has transformed there preachings into modern day techniques. He believes that breathing in a particular fashion can induce a corresponding emotion. So, we can produce a desired emotion by using specific breathing technique. Here, we learn how to use the breath to change the way we feel and eliminating all the negative emotions and qualities and thus, attaining the stage of supreme bliss.
And it is a fact known by all that emotional well being is directly proportional to more productive and successful life. Success comes running towards you to embrace you.people from all walks of life get benefitted from this process. It cleanses your body and circulates a new life in you.
Regular practice of Yogic pran kriya gives miraculous results. It not only transforms you at physical level or outer level but your mental level also gets relaxed and when your stress is reduced then your creativity gets enhanced. You enjoy better sleep and your brain starts functioning in a better way.
As explained before, your personal and work relationship become cordial and it increases your awareness, patience and cultivates confidence and self esteem. And the utmost thing is your spiritual growth for which we have come on this earth. You can enhance your meditation practices and experience a deep inner peace of mind.
For more visit

Wednesday, 6 November 2013


“It is highly unfortunate on the part of human race that they are unable to recognize their hidden potential. They are using only one out of lakh part of their capabilities and even by using this very part, they are today counted in the list of highly sage people,” says Swami Vivekananda.

About Brain and Mind
God has gifted us the invaluable equipment called brain, but we are ignorant to use the potential of the brain effectively. Our brain, a fist full 1.4 kg lump of wrinkled tissue with no moving parts, no joints or valves, not only serves as the motherboard for all other body systems but, is also the place for our mind, thoughts, senses. It is also a place for all our emotions, joys, and thought processes. Through the master gland pituitary, the brain controls the harmonal activity of the whole body. It is indeed a super computer, best that a man can ever think of. As it is our most valuable possession, it needs to be taken care. Most of us use only 2% of the capacity of the brain; the more we use it, the more it grows; by using more synaptic connections conducive to the growth of boutons / dendrites. There is an old saying "use it or lose it."
Levels of Mind
There are the four levels of Mind: Conscious level, Subconscious level, Super Conscious level and Unconscious level.

About Mind States
Our Mind has three states: wakening state, dreamless sleep state and dreaming state. Our Conscious mind is active only in the wakening state and in rest of the states, others three levels are active.

About Sub-conscious Mind
  • It is the powerful mind that has been storing all kind of information since the day we were born. Even we have stored past births karmas (Psychic impressions) in this mind only. It stores the information that we are not consciously aware of. It works under self hypnosis.
  • This Mind stores all the information in terms of mental pictures.
  • It is very vast repository of images.
  • It has photographic memory. It can easily recall the mental images.
  • It deals with our imagination power. So, the most seminal point is to nurture it.
  • It can be nurtured through self hypnosis process by giving it auto instructions.
  • It is the super computer of our brain.
  • It works according to intra cellular programming.

The Three important processes of Memory.

  • Encoding –It is the process of translating info into neural codes (Brain language) that will be retained in memory.
  • Storage –It is the process of retaining neural coded information over time.
  • Retrieval –It is the process of recovering information from memory storage.

Encoding method of Memory
This is the most important method of the memory which is used to encode the abstract data. First, we shall understand the word encoding. This is the process of converting abstract data (texts, alphabets, characters and digits) into specific language called brain language. Our brain understands photographic language. We will convert abstract words into the words called as Substitution words or link words or key words also. It means we will memorize abstract words with the help of link words. Now, we will understand this process with the help of some examples.

Say for example, we want to encode the names of countries and its capital.

Albania is the country and the capital is Tirane.
Now, Albania is an abstract word. We can convert this word Albania into a tangible word Album. We will convert the word Tirane into the word Rain. Now in this process, the word Album has same pronunciation as the word Albania. Similarly, the word Rain has same sound as the word Tirane.
Similarly, we can make the link word for any abstract word. We just have need to practise this process.

      1. Law of Visualization
      2. Law of Association

Law of Visualization:-
Our thought process is completely based upon images/pictures. Even we can’t utter a single word without looking at some picture on our mental screen. Therefore, whatever we need to memorize should be converted into mind images called as the brain language.

Law of Association:-
Association means Linking or Connection. This is the association between two information. One information is already there in our Brain. Second information is in the outer world which we are to memorize. This Law establishes the connection between these two information.
Now, we will learn how to link two objects. Say, for example, there are two objects- Door and phone, we can associate these two objects by making an imagination in which a Phone is hanging on the Door.
With the help of these Laws and Memory methods you can memorize Vocabulary, Abbreviations, Definitions, Facts, Rules, Speeches, Essay, Long answers with subheadings, Numbers, Formulae, Numerical values, Reactions, Dates, Notes, Quotations, Lecturers etc in Academics and Names, Faces, Numbers, Lists, Telephone numbers, Routes, Directions, Time Table, Events, Meetings, Appointments, Promises, Birthdates, Important Dates, Calendar, Playing Cards, Headlines, Price, Key points (To do list) etc in Daily Life.

This Memory Article has been taken from this MEMORY POWER COURSE Book written by Virender Mehta.

 Bhramari Pranayam
This Pranayam involves huming like a bee (bhramar). Hence it is known as Bhramari Pranayam.
Procedure: Sit erect in Padmaasana and take a deep brat, close both ears with the index fingers. Hold the breath for sometimes and while exhaling, hum (Om) in a legato tone just like the humming of a bee. This develops memory power.
For more visit